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Showing posts from September 1, 2019

Faysal roble ayaa qoray

Jigjiga Today With the coming of Oromo intellectuals to Jigjiga, a city that gave me my identity  and where my roots hail from,  a two-way talk is supposed to take place. The question is whether said talks will be substantive talks. As you know, so far the Somali-Oromo talks have been nothing but tslks characterized by two unequal sides. One side is mature, well-endowed in the vernacular of scholarship, and confident because of its newly acquired political muscle. The other side is largely young, less prepared and negatively impacted by what Crawford Young in his extensive study of Zaire calls political patronage as opposed to competent players. Many of you contacted me about the coming of Oromo intelectuals to Jigjiga and the so-called intellectual forum underway tonight . No idea what the agenda is so far! But I am curious what they will talk about. I saw yesterday a cryptic note by one of President Mustafa's young handlers who wrote that the event was "by invite