Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa ka heleysa Baanka Adduunka lacag lagu kabayo Misaabiyadda 2020 oo gaareysa $55 keddib markii ay saameyn taban ku yeesheen kobaca dhaqaaalaha iyo dakhli uruurinta dalka fatahaadihii ka dhashay roobabka, ayixii ku habsaday qaar ka mid ah gobollada dalka iyo cudurka safmarka ah ee COVID19 oo hoos u dhigay dakhliga la filayay 29%. Taageeradan dhaqaale ayaa ka dhalatay dadaalladii wanaagsanaa ee ay la timid Xukuumadda uu hoggaamiyo Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre iyo Wasiirkiisa Maaliyadda Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Bayle ee ku qotomay dib u habeynta iyo hufnaanta hay’adaha maaliyadda dalka iyo la dagaallanka musuqa kuwaasoo ay ku ammaaneen dhammaan Hay’adaha Maaliyadda Adduunka ee #IMF, #AfDB iyo #WB. Faahfaahinta mareegtan hoose 👇ka akhri.
World Bank Approves $55 Million to Sustain Somalia’s Reforms and Fiscal Response to Multiple Crises Email Tweet Share Share WASHINGTON, June 23, 2020 — The World Bank Board of Directors today approved a $55 million International Development Assistance (IDA)* grant to support Somalia’s economic recovery through continued fiscal and other economic policy reforms. The policies will strengthen fiscal management and promote inclusive private sector-led growth. The supplemental financing helps Somalia ease the effects of the global COVID-19 crisis and continue implementing the reform program supported by the Somalia re-engagement and reform supplemental Development Policy Financing (DPF). The DPF delivers critically needed financing for Somalia’s revised 2020 budget, which allocates funds for an integrated and national response to the pandemic, including increased grants to sub-national government to ensu...