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Waxaa qoray FAYSAL ROBLE

Food For Thought!

Deepening Identity Crisis

In 1979, then Ph.D. candidate Ismail Weis presented a fascinating paper at the Somali Studies Association Conference (ASA). He researched what he then called Somali West Identity Crisis," or “Khakhalaka Jiritaanka Soomaali Galbeed."

At the time of his presentation, Ismail was assessing the geographic identity crisis of residents of Western Somali Region within the larger Somali peninsula. His overarching focus was on brain-drain of that region and the migration of its urban educated class in its tendency to assimilate with other Somali regions.  Dr. Weis himselve today is a Presidential advisor to President Ismail Omar Gheli of Djibouti.

Exactly 40 years later, with the failed state of Somalia in full gear, and the quasi successful policies of EPRDF's creation of a Somali "evolve' class, identity crises among Somalis in the DDS has taken roots. The unified view of Somali history is distorted. The evolve' class has shown commitment to a policy of constant shopping for a new history that may "empower" them and extend their political life.

The Somali Regional State (DDS) is at a crossroads; in 1996, I wrote an article titled "To be or not to be: Somalis at a crossroads." Since that article was published, conditions have radically changed, and our identity crisis has deepened. Today, we are of “Somali origin of Ethiopian Identity of Cushitic extraction with clan affiliation with norther Jaberti tribes of the Tigrian speaking groups." We seem to have adopted an open-ended identity. And that will ultimately undermine our empowerment and the efficacy of our youth.

The people of DDS are made more confused!

For example, a former DDS president by the name of Abdullahi claimed in 2005 that Sayyid Abdulla Hassan was "an Ethiopian Hero" and other Somalis need to quit claiming him. Also, when Qalbidhagax was arrested, the elders of the region were coerced to claim that they are loyal Ethiopians and "Somalis from other regions, like Qalbidhagax, stay out of their affairs."

The current crop of leaders has deepened the region's identity crisis by camping with different political history and societies in Ethiopia at any given time. Like a retail shopper who searches products that may return the highest profit, the current crop of evolve’ loyal to anything thing but a Somali agenda.

In the late 1960s, there was a huge demonstration to denounce Eritrean Peoples Revolution Front’s downing of an Ethiopian Plan. The saying goes that Millions were paraded to march and chant “Eritrea will not be sold!” A profit-oriented Gurage retailer said,” duru waaga miyaa wada ka hone lamin ayshadim,” or “why not sell for a good price!” Today, DDS leaders may not refrain from selling our identity for the highest bidder. And that is the lowest point of our Identity crisis that Dr. Weis wrote about 40 years ago.


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